Thursday, May 3, 2012

"Chuckie is a daydreamer"

Mrs. Carr, my 3rd Grade teacher, wrote on my report card "Chuckie is a daydreamer". Oh no!! That is still one of my biggest faults. Or is it a gift? I'm also a procrastinator, a champion procrastinator! I think about doing a certain project, or beginning a new routine, like yoga for example...and I go to Half-Price Books and I buy a book.  But I don't follow through. The book sits on my shelf.
When I have the time, my only regular routines are my walking, which in I do most every day unless I'm super busy, and my photo taking.  I take my camera with me wherever I go, and taking photos has become an important part of my life. Editing those photos is also fun, and uploading favorites to my crlazlo3 blog. What is this all leading up to? Since I've had these long absences where I don't write here, I decided to upload one photo a day here when the words don't come. Being a Champion procrastinator, I will start tomorrow...

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